About Us
History is our collective memory. It contains lessons from which we can learn. An important lesson we can learn is the sacrifice it took, to make the freedoms we enjoy today possible. Many cultural groups that arrived on this country's shores participated in formation; however, the African experience is unique. From the initial settlement of British North America, through the establishment of the United States' as a nation, Africans arrived on these shores as a captured people, stripped of their cultural identity, relegated to a life of servitude, and denied rights even afforded to indentured bondmen of European descent. Upon the founding of this new nation, Africans would continue to be denied citizenship, its' accompanying rights and freedoms, and even denied the recognition of their full humanity, under the law. Yet, from the country's beginnings, African patriots sacrificed their lives for its' independence, freedom, and preservation.
Members of the 6th Regiment USCT do living history programs and battle reenactments, to educate the public about this sacrifice. We tell the story of the military service of these historic regiments that fought for its' independence, and for its' preservation in the Civil War. Individual reenactors also specialize in different aspects of the black military experience, such as Naval history, WWI, WWI, or an impression of historical notable figure.
More than just reenacting battles, we do extensive research, studying personal accounts, archived sources, documents, and subject specific books. We also maintain associations with, and participate in programs of museums, historical organizations, and scholars. Members are expected to present themselves to the public with military deportment, an open-mindedness for learning, and a commitment to educating, dispelling myths, and building bridges of understanding.